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First In Finishing

First In Finishing Loaner Agreement

First In Finishing Loaner Agreement

This is an agreement between First In Finishing and

This agreement is for First In Finishing to provide Loaner Equipment to said customer in exchange for their equipment that needs either repaired or replaced.


Once the Customer receives the Loaner Equipment they have up to 3 Business days to ship their Equipment they want repaired or replaced back to FINF.

Once First In Finishing receives the equipment they will begin the equipment diagnostics to find out what the problem is.

FINF will then email the customer the estimate to repair the equipment (If it is under warranty FINF will go ahead and repair the equipment) If it is not under warranty the customer has up to a week to accept, partially accept or deny the repairs.

If the customer denies the repairs, FINF will ship back the equipment.

If the customer partially or fully accepts the repairs FINF will repair the equipment and then ship it back to the customer.

Once the customer receives the equipment, they have 3 business days to ship back their Loaner equipment they received. During this period the customer may test the newly repaired equipment for proper function before sending the loaner equipment back.

In all situations the customer must return the Loaner Equipment that was sent from First In Finishing.

Failure to return Loaner equipment will result in the equipment being reported stolen.

Equipment Being Sent For Repair

Thank you for filling out the above box's. To ensure we receive our equipment back we ask you to sign below saying you understand the Loaner agreement and agree to fulfil the above tasks.

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